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Ham Radio Digital Project

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Ham radio at its best:

Sunday 7/21/02 Dedicated hams from the 64 repeater gathered together at the k1ugm packet site in Wakefield to join their expertise (in repeater controllers, cavities, antennas, audio circuits, computer hardware & software, internet cable modems & switches) to begin connecting a 2-meter repeater to the internet for users to network with other repeaters around the world with similar connections. The photo collage of the team was taken in the k1ugm packet repeater "cellar". The team found themselves surrounded by ghosts of the past; 19th century scientific apparatus including tangent galvanometers, spark gap transmitters, coherer & crystal detectors. Blended into these tools were the 20th century technologies; 2 meter & 220 MHz repeaters, packet radio bulletin boards & packet nodes, vacuum tube oscilloscopes & transistor ampfliers, IC chips & Ethernet high-speed data lines. The team itself had the same generational age spread as the equipment; children, parents, and grandparents ranging from 3 to 75 years. Within this collage of people and tools, the goal is to help bring Ham radio into the 21st century enabling ham radio to continue to serve the community with public assistance during emergencies, and to help develop communication technologies for this purpose. Sooooo to keep track of the project, tune in to the WARC repeaters as the team upgrades the antenna and tunes up the equipment at the 147.075 site. This will involve adding computer hard ware and software and working out the details of the project including how and when to use the link to the Internet. last but not least We all owe alot of thanks to the trustee WA1RHN for being supportive of this project. Jim & Rhoda k1ugm & n1csi

click on thumbnail for bigger picture

7/29/2002 The Next Sunday

The Next Sunday Megan kb1fca ---- finished the installation of the Linux operating system and upgraded the hardware for the computer that's going to be used in the digilink project. She also donated her computer for the duration of the project.

Steve Wa1hud & Jim K1ugm spent several hours adjusting the 2-meter cavities, and checking out the RF equipment on the 147.075 repeater. We found more work than originally anticipated. We have to up grade the cavity cables and repair and maybe realign the RF equipment.

John Wc1a joined in on the cavity work checking the instruction set, and helped bring some order into the mound of equipment we were working in.

Click on thumbnail for bigger picture

Sunday 08/11/2002

Steve Hud spent at least 4 Hours repairing the 2 meter repeater In the mist of a large family birthday party. I think he even got some birthday cake. He replaced a number of broken components, aligned the receive and the transmitter. He found the preamp making noise which was affecting the squelch. He cut it out of the circuit until it can be repaired. Ugm switched the antenna from a side mount ringo ranger to the 145.01 packet antenna which is on the top of the tower. The range has been increased so that it can now be heard out to at least Waltham.

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