Visiting Marie Curie, her instruments, her laboratory, her
Pandora's Box, filled with death and splendor.
Jim and Rhoda Morris ("Jim" A Physicist, "Rhoda" A Chemist) interviewing Marie under somewhat odd circumstances. 781 245 2897
(The Authors speaking)
Marie will be presenting the physical steps rather than just the
chemistry to fill out the real story that Marie wants to tell you
so you will understand about how hard your scientist really works for you and
to get it right. The overall outcome of this work will turn your hair
white, showing you what the real dangers are to all of living things because of
this work. So let Marie tell us when the dangers, not the radiation
dangers, started raising their ugly heads after all living things.
During this time my hand was never far from my friend, my wash bottle - a
humble instrument doing extraordinary important work and at the same time
announcing a warning to the world a very sobering warning to the world.
(Interviewer) Work in progress, more a collection of
notes,This web site is long
making it, a bonanza of insider information. about Marie. It shows all of
the relevant instruments and our working replication of them, her
experiments, quotes from famous scientist it cover a lot of ground, lots of
insider photos.
(Interviewer speaking)
(MARIE speaking)
(Marie)----"Not really, rather I had stumbled on to
a Pandora's box! filled with substances that were killers of
enormous proportion. It also held a miraculous amount energy that
could do enormous amount of inexpensive work. Its was something you
could not see but could kill living things either very very
slowly or vaporize them, and you, in less than few millionths of a
second, something that is the most dangerous discovery to all life
on earth, ever. The ultimate product from our work was the atom bomb then the hydrogen bomb. Above is the rough size of a chunk of Uranium 235, other things work also, that would be in a single bomb that could and did + - kill hundreds of thousands of people in fractions of a second, more thousand more, slowly more painfully. I They will fill the sky with dirty radioactive dust that would shut off our sun light to Not very big is it? World powers have built thousand of them with high speed rockets to deliver them., World powers that do not speak the same language or have have same moral philosophies..
It has been recognized, been said, and it is true, not a scare tactic
(Interviewer) Wow! So what are we to do. We here for other important things
that you may have left out? You have left undone that for all practical
purposes would they be classified as secrets, secrets that
needs disclosing because they are so important to us, each of us?
(Marie) "At best what is in our future from my discovery of the enormous energy in the atom? It was one of the seeds for Einstein's famous, simple and elegant, equation e= mc^2 where Einstein calculates that 1 unit of material is really equal to 30,000,000,000,000,000,000 units of energy
(Jim the Interviewer in the picture below) Marie are there more discoveries in all of your work that you could, should be sharing with us but haven't ? Would they be hidden in your instruments, in your experiments, hidden in how and what you used them for?
Marie did you feel by donating it to America and having it on exhibit others might view it first hand showing a bit of science to help them see how an actual scientific instruments looks like, hoping this might help give one a more comfortable humble feeling about science. Maybe by just seeing it in all of its simplicity. (Marie) " Does it hurt if Pierre's contribution to many fundamental scientific discoveries, including our work over his short life, if we focus on such a small part of it by displaying one of his instrument. an instrument we used in our radium work? It may not be the sole purpose but we all have some short memory issues don't we? If one wants to find a secret in it- why make it noticeable.?" Are these secrets something real, something beyond the seemingly incomprehensible and boring details of some scientific discovery, something your not sharing with us despite the possibility these , ----- secrets may be very important to us so those grandest improvements in our lives could, should be realized, realized for us, to us?
Marie " Secrets?" Please- please share in any way you can, your inner, your inner most secrets, learned thru a successful scientific career but don't seem to be sharing openly with us but should share with us. The ones you have shared successfully with your family, the ones that (some have hinted), you shared while helping to organize, with your colleagues, a special school to enrich your and their special children with these secrets? What about us dear girl,
Marie Curie, née Maria Salomea Skłodowska,? What about us? eh?
Won't you try despite these
possibilities to tell us anyways? What form would,
should, could, it take? There is something going on here that we can't hear but can see in the photos below.
So Irene Curie is in the
laboratory with her mother. Lise Meitner , another young lady, an Austrian physicist who worked on radioactivity and nuclear physics. Meitner discovered nuclear fission, an achievement which immediately led to the atom bomb. Her colleague Otto Hahn was unfairly awarded the Nobel Prize. It is quite possible that the glare on her face was was not because she did not get the Nobel prize for her discovery but rather they were going to miss use her work. making and using atom bombs. Meitner's tiny relatively simple tabletop instruments that she used to discover nuclear fission, It is certainly not the big time high energy atom smashing equipment used by the big guys. Rather she up grated to vacuum tube to do the same thing.
The founding members experimentalist ,
theoretician of the physical scientist club. Each a competitor and
colleague. Here is the exclusive 1911-Solvay Conference on the theory of radiation and quanta:” Who and what are they really planning In the back room to this back room with the sponsors of this work? English: Photograph of participants of the first Solvay Conference, in 1911, Brussels, Belgium. Seated (L-R): Walther Nernst, Marcel Brillouin, Ernest Solvay, Hendrik Lorentz, Emil Warburg, Jean Baptiste Perrin, Wilhelm Wien, Marie Curie, and Henri Poincaré. Standing (L-R):
Robert Goldschmidt,
Max Planck,
Heinrich Rubens,
Arnold Sommerfeld,
Frederick Lindemann,
Maurice de Broglie,
Martin Knudsen,
Friedrich Hasenöhrl,
Georges Hostelet,
Edouard Herzen,
James Hopwood Jeans,
Ernest Rutherford,
Heike Kamerlingh Onnes,
Albert Einstein, and
Paul Langevin.
Question and comment; (not just for Marie but a possible answer from Marie). Remember when you your children drove you and you drove your parents, to exasperation by bombing and being bombed by questions, questions about everything and nothing. The new born baby searching touching and getting into everything everywhere? Why as adults did we, do we seem, to stop searching for the secrets of our personal nature, for Mothers Natures secrets? Do We? Will We? Can't We? Wont We? eh
Care or not this is true by any
standards, of philosophy, because of the laws of
nature, whether good or bad the body, its brain just does it. There is so
much going on just living most every thing our brain does much of it has to be
on auto pilot, including thinking. But thinking and deciding requires lots of
calories, more than most of us have in surplus? hmmmmmmmmm
Certainly Marie's secrets seem to served those enough that it helped them to become famous, helped them toward Nobel prizes? Probably the only scientist most of us would recognize is Einstein in back of Marie. Can you find him? how many more do you recognize, any one else. Hey Marie! What is going on here why aren't we privy to this exclusive club, this partner ship.
to the horizons have been going on for years
and years for Marie's secrets. But !
These days what can any author
or .... any part- time plagiarist..... say about
Marie Curie's personal, scientific or her secret
life that has not already been touched on ....over and over .....
again and again .... thousands and thousands of times. is the
un-said considered to boring for the public, to
obvious to be saleable, a conspiracies remaining
Maries secret?
If the secrets are scientific ones
they will be couched in the language of mathematics, which is
almost a secret code used by the scientist so they for all
practical purposes are hidden, thus can be considered a secret?
Are we really barred from a
direct conversation with the scientists, their discoveries
by a language difference?
Are our translators
which includes the media, the authors, the plagiarist may be
confusing us with their bias, a bias possibliy created by
having them make their living , a living that requires
them to have a sufficient number of readers and listeners to make
this living, listeners that want exciting, interesting
things for their amusement or will go somewhere else to hear
someone else more interesting thus shutting us off from the
factual world, the world spelled out with the dimension of time,
length, mass, Nature's World where nature tells us what we can and
cant do, what we are and what we aren't. who is right who is
wrong................... not necessarily our translators who most
likely have not spent years in the laboratory with the hard won
tools of science learning and practicing the trade of
understanding Nature, good old mother of all of Nature.
Has this created a bias? A bias that if the way of the scientist
is dull he/she is not reported to the public at large. Some of
Marie's work, her biggest far reaching discovery was
anything but exciting, at the moment, for the average folk, but
not other scientists. Yet it turned out quite differently to
the folks at two cities in Japan at the end of WW2.
Besides she also was only a girl. So why talk about her
discovery, about it except to other scientists ? Is this
then effectively a secret? It certainly acts as one. How far
would this dilemma reach into our lives in a
negatively why? Does or could this process exist even now?
All these questions, remarks,
suggestions, seemingly disconnected, just blabbering
nonsense hopefully can be answered but certainly not to everyone's
considered satisfaction. eh. Right?
At best the flood of these words might only to hint at-- or vaguely remind
us (very few of us) that even well before Marie's magnificent time and
continuing today.
Has all of this created the condition that
in sympathies---
where do they come from, not out of thin air. They are not hidden,
-- but out there,-- interesting , -- restricting, comical, --
frustrating, -- at times, wrong more often than one would
like, dangerously wrong, messing up our daily
lives, -- frustrating, --confusing our journey to the "so
called safer- richer - better life",-- Or slipping us
back to a time where we didn't believe in germs. 10 years
earlier we had no useful electricity (none).
There was some worrisome personal
sympathies versus a scientific truth differences that Marie,
the scientist, found with her recommended use's of
radium for public health it ended up being used by business in a
dangerous salt form in mouth washes. (Ouch).
Nature He/She is the biggest guy/gal in
town. Showing off their magnificent heavens her/his
universe where one of its staple ingredients are wee tiny
Rearrange a hand full of our electrons and one has or doesn't
have cancer, is fat or skinny. is blind or not, can think or not, think
right or wrong. our opinions What is the probability
that an emotionally derived decision can cost both worlds plenty in the
quality and the safety of all living things. More
That's their job. They get paid to do
it. No, Little, Medium,
Big , Big helpful Secret? eh Who owns the scientist
work? Who can use it. use is it free of charge? Can you buy it? Those paying for a scientist's work,
the sponsor, completely owns, controls every aspect of it, patent, copy
rights, etc.. The scientist cannot share, acknowledge working on
the sponsors project without permission It's the sponsors money, their
time. Marie was well aware of this but apparently did not share, volunteer,
emphasis this as valuable part of the educational aspect of science . Why
would she hide this This absolute process maybe vaguely, or
not so vaguely recognized by most to be true (enough) to give it
credence. This rigorous process maybe one of the stony
secret Marie keeps to herself, from experience, that is she simply gave up
dwelling on it. Contrast The other side of the coin
Even thoughts are beginning to be measured in these terms
the terms of an electronic states measured in the mind.
Question An Example? Some would say differences are
happening in spite of the significant scientific progress made by
scientists like Marie and her oldest daughter Irène Joliot-Curie, who might
also be privy to those secrets, she looks even more reflective or
sadder than her Mon in the above photo). Even with 3, yes three, Noble prizes
to their combined credit celebrating their pioneering work on the energy in
the atom. Irene's work tipped the scale suggesting that the atomic
energy her mother discovered could be used, re used, miss used as a
weapon of aggression, a weapon of protection, both of interesting
proportions or last but not least not a weapon at all but for the health of
the public in treatment of cancer . Both her mother and Irene worked toward solving the worlds problems using science as a tool''? Simple problems such as understanding the proper use of enormous forces stored in the atom. Some Marie discovered, (with the simplest tools,---her hand and a good head.--- ) Others and later by her daughter, Irène with less simple tools.--- (atomic bullets) and a good head.---. ================================================ Could this, or is it the secret of the ages and one that Marie has not openly shared, almost kept is kept secret.
==================================== our greatest Political leaders,
As softly as possible , --- but very
important all of us ---, Half of us are dumber than the other half which is a
draw back in making the best of decisions, all around Especially
when our leader, leaders is, are very charismatic, robust, but
mistaken eh. Could it become even better, safer, for
most? Does Marie have the secret, a secret of secrets? If there is one it
must be very, very, valuable, but only whispered to the greatest of the great
leaders ? Followers need better hearing aids, better scientific hearing aids?
The world's most dangerous school girl ?
Gross but true "eh" The
joys of the atom !!!!!!?
To search or not to search for
the secret that is the question? is not just a question, but a play on a play of words in Hamlet by Shakespeare. Appropriate in this case? Note the extraordinary introductory photo of Marie's hand. Maries hand, an extraordinary hand, a hand that wont be ignored. Is it a rite. a rite being extended you, in a dish, a simple round bottom dish, a dish containing a garden, a beautiful garden, a garden of magic crystals.
What does it contain that she is holding it so kindly, so gently that
has so changed our world, changed it for ever.
First? beyond all
the writing above about her radium her love life and more and more writing
for the public's pleasure (or the writers profit) what more conceivable
value is Marie or her work to us today? What more can she say or do?
So the Bottom Line? ----- The question arises.-- Why bother with her at all if she wont share her secrets? Is she just history in today's flood gates of scientific discoveries which are wider, drowning her image? Is she still or was she ever a teaching tool, a symbol of hope, a symbol of work hard and even if you're a girl you to can become a champion, a hero? Is that enough? ---- Is that enough just being a hero, a worshiping symbol, a fad, from fad-ing old images and there are so many of them but seldom smiling???
Certainly her name and her work are still making money and reputations for hard working entrepreneurs by using it as an advertising gimmick to attract customers to their web sites, and businesses selling things totally unrelated to Marie or her work this has always has been true. Interpreters riding on Marie's petty coats to sell mouth wash products spiked with radium salts. Radium coated dials for watches etc..
This seems to be
helpful. Maybe she may not be completely dead yet. Yet in the
eyes of some ? But AND JUST BUT is it just barely conceivable that she might just have one more secret, maybe two, that has been lost or overlooked, ignored, or just hidden. Even one secret that could have considerable value if it is shared with us, each of us? A secret that she apparently shared only with her oldest daughter who used it to win a Nobel prize of her own in similar research!
A secret that we can understand ,cheap enough to
be affordable, fast enough to gain the better life. What is it Marie,
what is it? Can we guess? Share with us more clues. Secret; So where is it? What is it ? Can it ever be found ? Is it in her instruments? Her note books in a secret code? Beyond pawing just through words, even technical words?
Pictures what about pictures? It is said that a single picture is worth a thousand word. So can we take several pictures to test them to see if one can find the secret? Put on your Sherlock Holmes detective hat pull out your magnifying glass and strap on your safety belt and let's see what one can deduce about her world of science compared to the other world, the one we live in. From the first picture above one might see a seemingly provocative almost sexy young lady and her super simple scientific equipment, a couple pieces of glass.
First let us set
the stage for this top picture. Which includes some of her instrument. -----This young woman, Marie Curie, née
Maria Salomea Skłodowska, is in her laboratory --- apparently looking at
the spout of her seemly mundane, unheralded, but indispensable scientific
instrument, her wash bottle.
Second; Note Marie's
samples were contained in simple round bottom stile watch glasses or
porcelain dishes similar to the one she is holding in her left hand the right
holds the simple wash bottle while she is separating the good from the
unwanted chemicals with a simple stream of water. She used hundreds of these
during her almost 3year search and purification project for radioactive
chemicals. Her liquid samples in the dishes transformed themselves by
evaporation of a liquid into gardens, of crystals
On the other hand the beautiful painting on the left, (a posed painting yes). But the artist or who ever ask it be done didn't get the simplest, the most important parts right or was some one trying to make Marie a fool in the chemistry world? Most of the bottles appear empty the one she is holding up with her right hand looks to have copper sulfate in it an unlikely ingredient for her to be concentrating so intensely on.
Then so what then hmmmmmm ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- With a bit of patience's lets
look a little bit more into her simple equipment her simple methods
used for her far reaching discoveries of the enormous energy stored in
the atom but most of all a way of life, a way to form an important
opinion for about scientific discoveries there was her radiation detector based on the simplest concept that radiation made air conduct electricity the more the radiation the more the conduction of electricity. She measured how well it did this for the air surrounding her garden (sample) by simply noting the time it took for a specific charge of electrons to pass between two metal plates which were sandwiching the radioactive garden (sample). This sandwich was given the noble name "The Ionization Chamber". Connected to it was a simple device ,( a sort of meter ), to measure the remaining charge to be conducted. is Marie secrets hidden in there?
These simple, but casual, laboratory instruments were her constant companions for almost three year of her life during her search and purification of radioactive elements and her pursuit of a doctorates degree in physics.
Her fingers, yes, what about her fingers, most everyone has some? According to the many stories told about the detective Sherlock Holmes' skills was that he could give a super detailed account of anyone's life by studying their hands.
Dare we study Marie's hands. fingers there is no evidence of
jewelry, manicures, just those chemically stained, radiation burned,
hands, yet delicate touching fingers. Will this give a clue to a
possible secret she maybe be hiding? Simple, Simple, Simple but not simple to everyone.
But let us get back the top picture of Marie's face. The spout of her wash bottle seems to be bisecting it into two different people, maybe two different worlds, like the Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr. Hyde? (We all have a little of this (J.H.) in us.) .
Her face is divided into two moods, one bright with cautious joy the other
dark, sad, maybe concerned? But why the sad look .Was her companion the
wash bottle acting up, its nozzle clogged maybe slowing down her research?
Wasn't she doing what she wanted to do? With this look would she be a kindly
person dedicated to the peaceful and gentle causes? 1st deduction; Common sense may tell us that she may be simply checking to see that the spout of her wash bottle is clean, clean as possible for her delicate experiments and there might have been some foreign substance in it fouling up the results? It could than show that she was a careful researcher.
Or 2nd perhaps she
is looking at someone through and beyond the wash bottle with an almost
inviting Pixie look, maybe inviting a date with the lab director ( Pierre)
with designs to trap him into marriage. Perhaps it is both? LAST There is a third possibility. Mood? Perhaps it is because she is suffering from bipolar syndrome disorder caused by the strain of living in two worlds in one earth. If so which world is giving her the most worrisome time? Than there is Irene her daughter another scientist in the same field. both sides of her face show sadness, contemplation? Is it a family DNA trait or living under the same strain of two world circumstances?
Lets examine the latter condition because of the experiences that scientists get into while trying to live full lives in both worlds. They build up Intense experiences not often shared in many other professions, common well populated professions. But how is one to know the measured truths of this statement if one has not been a productive senior scientist for several years and is surrounded by other scientist all constrained to prove their beliefs or be out of work, ignored.
This explanation may have a chance at finding the secret. Maybe the first step into the discovery and exploration of the one earth but two world's concept could be a key to Marie's secret or secrets? There maybe some strong supporting evidence to help us understand the concept of living on one earth two worlds. The two world's one earth model is described by a best known and eminently successful scientist, Einstein, who speaks for himself both in a speech and in a picture worth a thousand words. It might be showing us that he may be in on one of Marie's secrets and he is about to share it with us? This picture is of him in one of his darkest moments when he was traveling through the outside world. His speech compares the two worlds from a scientist's perspective at a birthday party for another famous scientist Max Planck.
Hi Doctor Einstein how is it going?
He replies It may seem a bit over extended for some.......but some one once said " Try being a scientist in an average senior position for at least a year then pass on your feelings". ================================================== What was Marie's life or most any research workers life in real time? Real Real time hour by hour? can we find the secret here? Is it mostly boring, really boring. Does it have to few anxious moments, lots of anxious moments, is it too boring to dwell on in literature which is aimed at the public for their entertainment or is just a careful guarded secret? The top or first photo of Marie was taken about the time of her most really important discovery. A discovery of all times. The one that she is not given much if any credit for today, At the time of the discovery the scientific world recognized it and used it to forecast its ominously, the enormity of its importance to all living things. Her discovery sparked and seeded the reputation of dozens of the scientist of the day who themselves were given much credit from using it to expand their work on the atoms structure and to those who in the future still use It. Like her daughter, who she help train in the same field, which gave the opportunity for her daughter to also win a noble prize of her on in the same field. The now famous equation e=mc^2 that many have heard or seen is a byproduct of Marie's work. It helped developed one of the most important fields of science, Nuclear Physics. But what was this discovery? How did she make it ? Could this account for her two moods?. More than likely it could be the inward contemplations of the enormous energy she found in atoms. She discovered it during her work in radioactivity by using her experience in physics to interpret the observations that her fingers were warmed by her samples in the dish next to the wash bottle. Her samples were much warmer than the surrounds and they seem to be perpetually warm and getting warmer the higher the concentration of the unknown element she was purifying. From Marie's knowledge of physics and her acute observational skills she knew that this meant that there was enormous energy that must be stored in these tiny atoms. An energy that was later carefully and accurately measured by her best friend, her lover, and her husband all in one " Pierre" who was aided by an assistant. An energy that could be used to destroy millions of living things or save millions of living things. Maybe the third deduction of her farcical expression of mixed emotions can be expanded to include the mixed results of her journey as a graduate student later continuing on as a senor scientist, the raising a family in the other world that uses and misuse her work! always living between these very different worlds. One world only has a one way mirror as its window. "Authors Note" Emotions are critical to our decision making process in life. Especially when we are not privileged to accurate data to make these decision sound. So emotions are very very important and are to be richly cultivated. Back to the photo symbolizing her ever present wash bottle bisecting Marie face. One side is bright, cautiously hopeful and the other dark and foreboding. Look again at her photo what else do you see in this photo? A touch of blood on the edge of the dish?. The last but not the least deduction from looking at the photo of Marie is more of a question. Could Marie be hiding behind her instruments, from what, why? These are just some of the questions that could be important to ask our selves and get an answer by looking at her from a different perspective. a Nobel prize winning young lady who raised a Nobel prize winning daughter in both of the two worlds- two worlds-two worlds----.! |
Nuclear energy had been
hiding from man his whole life.
When Marie was working with her radium samples, her sensitive finger tips felt very weak heat signals. As part of her purifying processes Marie was heating her samples to bring more solids into solution which were then poured into small dishes to cool and crystallize (note this equipment is shown in the first photo above) But some of her samples never returned to room temperature There was heat being generated by some unknown but powerful source because these radioactive samples never cooled as chemicals do after reaction. Marie pondered "why" and "how"? The answer from the scientist in Marie Curie was aided by her studies in the awesome laws of thermodynamics. is one Maries secrets hiding in there? These observation did spelled out "big time energy". While Marie kept emphasizing the chemical properties of radium, Pierre and a student measured the physical properties of these energies. Is this more light on another of Marie's secrets? team work? individual jealousy? What is Marie's world really like, What are her secrets?
The physical expression of success on the bright side of her face, yet the other side is shadowed. Did the photographer see something more? Could this be a look of dark deep concern for how this enormous energy might be used? Even at her age Marie was not ignorant about the battles for energy in politics and war. Perhaps one should go back and look again and think about Marie and her truck. Perhaps reflect on her scientific ways. Are some of her secrets hidden here?
Above one of the most important
instruments in the history of science. One of two of Marie's original
piezo electrometers used in her original surveys for materials of
radioactivity. The pan just below the hand held weights to control the spot of
light. Marie had to manipulate the weight to control the spot.
Marie's sensitive fingers were also a vital part of her
radiation measuring devise which required very precise control of the the
light spot driven by the piezo electric instrument in the apparatus shone
This almost sacred instrument
is equivalent in importance to Galileo original telescopes.
(Their is a scientist in this photo that did not want to washed the tip
of his finger for some time after touching Marie's piezo electrometers ever so
What is this spot of light that gives marie a trans hypnotic stare, what is tugging at it ?
Authentic Marie with her magic fingers on the stop watch and intently watching that little spot of light shown on the scale directly in front of her trying to keep it right on zero. | The beautiful replica of Marie staring at the all important spot of light.. |
Marie motivation for working exceptionally hard as all scientist do to get their data and its interpretation right. Scientists are the final judges and juries for each other's work because they use and consequently test each other's results in their own work. If yours is wrong because of faulty work they quickly spread the word around about your dangerous incompetence. I this one of Maries secrets?
A reminder.
Is Einstein, one of Marie's colleagues letting Marie's secret out of the
bag, in a speech he made at fellow scientist's birthday
party where he said-----
“One of the strongest motives that leads men to art and science is escape from everyday life with its share of painful crudeness and hopeless dreariness. such men make this cosmos and its construction the pivot of their emotional life in order find the peace and security they cannot find in a narrow whirlpool of personal experience." Einstein |
It's very hard work getting into science but easy to be dismissed for fraud.---- A job in science never was and never will be one without serious consequence, for all, from bad work. Scientist can lose their job after enormous work getting it. Is this one of Maries secrets?
.The average person can lose their reputation with white lies and be labeled something but still can get on with their life and friends. In science no matter what ever your personal quirks may be your reputation in science is your life. Is this one of Marie's secrets?
Back to Marie ;her data her observations were right and nuclear energy did start a vigorous rush to exploit this energy and this has affected the future of all living things.
That spot of light; ..... Every time it drifted from zero it cause an error in her measurement. So the quality of her work counted on keeping it at zero. But what were the demons dragging it off zero. They were invisible. Some times they would appear over night.
We can see if we stop for a minute and ponder
a bit about these simple images of Marie. She was much more than radium.
She was a beacon of science. She was a beacon of caring behavior.
All of these attributes captured the love and affection of many fledglings of
science. They read books about her, saw movies about her life, her discoveries
and admired and loved her.
One of these fledgling scientists firmly believes that he learned much from
Marie's secrets. One of your co-author of this web site, has carried this
awe all his life and did well by it. Jim and Rhoda not only had the
privilege of making the replicas of her instruments and giving the technical
advise that goes with them for a film,
The Mystery of Matter, but Jim also
got a great big hug from Marie Curie, at least a wonderful replica of her
played by the beautiful actress Juliet Rylance in the up coming film
The Mystery of Matter,
a national science foundation
sponsored project.
Science has its twists and turns and some times it's the little thing that mean so much. a finger, a selection of material etc. etc. It always seems to cross its path checking its self on the way. Below is a little relevant example of one such crossing. Can Maries secrets to be learned by tracking another scientist work experience, instruments techniques? That has direct bearing on Marie's secrets?
Which helps touch base on another science that had the seed of spectroscopy in it but not devolved. until the 1860's. Marie was required to use it to validate her discover of radium.
Back to the heat that she felt with her fingers. It was more than just tell tail evidence of the enormous energies in the atom. Galileo 200 years earlier was tinkering with thermometers which was one of the starts Marie needed in her work. Pierre, Marie's colleague, friend, and husband measured this energy in one of his calorimeters and published it . This was a notable contribution because E=MC2 . had not invented yet by Einstein. Marie and Pierre work must have helped Einstein think seriously about energy. Marie and Einstein were friends and on the same team like all scientist are on the same team. You can see her in amongst the boys she is all but surrounded by the best at the time. Another photo showing how important her work was to the community See photo at the end of this website of the 1911-Solvay Conference
She gave this is to the most beautiful---- museum we thank them for letting us visit and take this picture of it to support this NSF project
With your patients
we end this little tribute and share with you a short little poem by a
friend about Maria. and we will get on with the apparatus and ----A
discussion of the procedures and emotional issues Marie had to follow in
getting her radium.
MADAME CURIE | by Larry Keegan |
no lovely lady should hold this power in her hand she felt the very fire of the universe in her fingertips a warm tremor that could not be explained how the world was structured we did not know a lovely lady should not tell us of the nucleus of all things she had not heard of Hiroshima or Chernobyl or a beam that radiates and cured my cancer lady scientist in the chambers of time you will select for us those substances contain this secret source of fire |
oh Marie oh Marie unstable nucleus in your hand You study the electrostatic see which substances contain the unidentified stream emissions tell us lady scientist in science's murky past which elements radiate no lovely lady should hold this power please tell us, lady which elements as you walk towards us hands folded cup-like in an offertory almost a liturgy bring us the power cascading from the alchemy of stars |
Notes and points to fix expand get across
below is our Marie as she is aging into her final years still fighting the battle of getting it right. She carries her scars of hard work and devotion proudly. May we follow the best of her examples. Did you notice -- Marie's hand and fingers, that did so much for science, still reaching out beckoning for the truth as she did with her instruments. This is what the profession science is really about. "dedication to the truth of your work".The benefits of basic research are vital to each of us and our communities. We need more of it and insulated from the basic power center's mistakes. It could help us more to understand emotionally not only technically the nature of how sciences gets the what, how, and why of nature forces rules right. It would help to understand a little bit how it is controlled by its financial sponsors so that we can help them through the decision they have to make to protect "our" business.
Photo on left Maries up turned hand. her fingers that brought us into the nuclear world are still at work,----Hard work!
The tension of her neck muscles, shoulders and head tipped to stress her point. Here is a senior scientist, still productive, still, hard at work with her example still before us. Let us hope Her example of scientists in the world of science can be made more visible in the very large world of ( imagination and wishes world (I & W) world.
Marie's nuclear energy is not bad it just has to be understood.
Our carbon dioxide is not bad it just has to be understood.
Scientist have dedicated their profession, their jobs, their lives, toward understanding nature.
One of the most important job that scientist need to understand is how to help their customers, you, to understand the process of understanding the correct versus the not correct answers when one can't see nature first hand through the instruments that scientist see nature for what it is rather than what one wants it to be.Through this some what emotional window we offer a rare opportunity to view and experience in a detailed way replication and operation of Marie's instruments, instruments that she would have toiled and fussed over in her studies on radioactivity and her discovery of the power of the nucleus. In the somewhat chaotic text that follows.
This web site hopes in some small way to presents not just science and Maries personal life but we hope help the reader see, learn in an emotional way the true environment that scientist work in. The the enormance pressure of their fellow scientist put on each other to do a proper job, to get the work right.....If we can give the reader a true gut feeling of this type of understanding of the dogged determination and some of the smartness needed by scientists to get their data, their conclusions and products as right as possible with the resources afforded them we hope it help the individual get more from the scientific community than one does today. As with Marie, the drive is mostly a determined curiosity, but it yields in some unplanned ways, how science returns on your investment for a better chance at a better life for all of us.
This site has been created for your consideration by Jim & Rhoda Morris 781 245 2897 instruments, have a look at them and the authors replicating them.
Her Operating the detector
Her chemistry, see the tedious crystallization experiments she ran to isolate and purify radium salts
Her professional life, typically dull dull repetitive kind of work,
The murky world of funding your basic research work
Marie & Pierre Curie and Rhoda & Jim Morris Scientists themselves.
How close can one get in checking out other scientists project?
Our almost science fiction story but with real jump in time and space. of about 100 years. The most unusual difference between the photo above and below. is not so much that there are two different science teams, and two husband and wife science teams, but a more very real common denominator, that is, one is reproducing as exactly as reasonably possible the work, the instruments, of the other, both in the cause of science.
Point one; Take a look at just one of the most nerve racking, boring things Marie had to do during her daily enrichment ritual to get her radium. of staring intently at the little ball of light on the glass scale in front of her struggling to keep it at zero. by shifting a weight on a pan under her piezo device. It ranged from a few seconds to minutes. This time was a measure of the degree of radioactivity of her sample. That time that went by was super important to her. It told her how successful her purification of radium was going . The shorter the better the purification was.
Few of us have to be reminded how much the products of science have affected the daily, and extraordinary times in our lives. They're obvious and naturally taken for granted.
What's not obvious: is it safe in basic research science's progress to take for grant length of time to do it ?? Many of our basic personal problems still need basic scientific research if they are to be solved. Lower: health care costs, educational costs, better employment opportunities, population growth , global climate threats, add yours to the list. Science through basic research, as in the past (as Marie Curie did) will be the active partner in the solutions' that give each of us a better quality of life. The time to get solutions is strongly dependant on the other team users. How can we tell how our team is doing.
But to deal with all of this we need to know more about how the work of science is done; what their work life is really like; the factors that dictate the reliability of their work; and we don't really have to study scientific topics like the scientists do. With this knowledge we can go about our own business but make sure that the scientists are working on our problem
Translating scientific work from the tech world to the non tech world has few alternative than using the murky world of Eight Parts of Speech especially in the dangerous villages of adjectives and adverbs. Scientist improved progress by jumping pass this murky communication world of language and created one of numbers and mathematical equation of time length and mass operation and symbols where ther is better nt perfect means of spelling out the laws of nature.How about learning how discoveries are made, understood and proved and how . Learning these things are more important and require less work and time than you are spending now sweating science and math tests. Ask your school to teach you what you need to make sure scientists are working on your projects.
Goal: at the mention of the word science there will be an enormous rush of dopamine dumped into your system.
Goal: at the mention of the eight parts speech there will be enormous rush of adrenalin into your system.
But First !
A little known discovery of big proportions
Marie Curie was not just a star in the discovery department She was a super star. Her early work was before the famous equation "E=MC^2" was generated and before the scientist had a clear view of the atom. Here is a bit of the inside story; of what the authors believe was Her greatest discovery.
Her hard work, Her keen scientific perceptiveness. Her shear persistence, being at the right place right time. Marie was the first to discover the enormous amount of energy contained in the atom. She found this during her researches in radioactivity. Marie made this discovery using her finger tips plus guidance from her radiation detector, but most important her determination, skill for scientific deduction from observables. These authors ever wonder why most writers - hailing Marie - flip past this discovery at best hinting at it? Just radium, radium and more radium? At this point in time with hind site in science there was nothing more important, more dramatic, more spectacular than this discovery of atomic energy generating the biggest scientific explosion ever in human history. A lack of drama? A lack of public interest? We don't know. Do you? One of Marie's co-scientist did remark (summed up in one of these authors words),
Leave it to some damn woman to discover and advertise the knowledge of such enormous power. Rutherford?
Marie knew the scientific importance of what she had discovered - but - being a generous person gave away her financial rights to the public of refining the ore to get radium..
Marie knew first hand about war. She volunteered, during ww1, her service to France and drove an x-ray equipped truck to help care for the wounded. Marie was there servicing first hand the wounded.
It is not what scientists discover it's who and what others use it for.
This point of view is important enough to run through it again. Her discoveries of
Polonium and Radium paled by comparison. to her most important discovery-- the enormous power within the atom. Her simple observation was that her radium enriched samples were warmer to the touchthan the ones with less or no radium and she recognized that the source of this heat was many, many times that which could be generated by any chemical reaction. So before she was finished with her work with radium, Marie had ushered us into the very wonderful and dangerous world of nuclear energy . Not only was there the alpha, beta, and gamma rays given off by radium and its family there was -a seemly- unlimited thermal energy being generated according to Einstein's famous yet to be discovered equation .---> E=MC^2 <- was hinted at experimentally by Marie before Einstein invented his formula.
This web site is special ; by giving intimate pictures of the interior as well as the exterior of Marie's equipment, her chemistry, her resolve. We show the details of our process of replication of Maries equipment and experiment for a NSF documentary.Accented is Marie's radiation detector which is a story in itself which demonstrates how many science discoveries really come about- \\ That is through a of chain of scientific instruments each born after weeks, years and centuries of earlier scientific investigations, blended together into Marie's and Pierre's sophisticate famous detector. coupled with the chemically stained fingers of a young, beautiful, serious minded woman, led to an unheralded yet deeply shocking discovery of nuclear energy and incidentally the atom bomb.
Look and listen carefully to Marie experiences! Try it if you haven't. One might get lucky and almost feel and experience of what it is like to be a typical yet lucky scientist.
-Concentrate hard enough to feel Marie sending us these very important emotional messages, feelings about how science and scientist work. To some Marie's message maybe in clear view but also invisible because it may be so obvious. Obvious? But obvious is not always obvious. Had Marie ignored the sleight difference in warmth on her chemically stained, trained, fingers touching her samples someone else would have discovered the immense power in the atom. Science gropes along piece by piece waiting for the accidental scientist to come along and discover almost by accident something great and wonderful.
Stop----Look at your fingers.
They're not just fingers they are scientific instruments. fingers can count, measure mass, radiant heat, texture, read information in brail, measure length, sense time, via rhythm, acceleration, on and on. connect this to a sense of logic and inquiry, speaks for itself to everyone but especially to the trained scientist. This plus tenacity leads to scientific discoveries. Marie discovery demonstrates this process.
Yes Marie is a popular scientist but for many reasons - some obvious - some not scientific. Marie's fame carries with it messages of considerable value some hidden by the drama of romance of a young couple in love each sharing their love of the sciences only to be separated by a tragic accident to Pierre. by the drama, of Maries as a "'female" scientist, a rounded scientist founding intuitions, doing war work for her adopted country and last not least her scientific work.
Marie is even more extraordinary today from her example. She still works busily in science for science. She is still a handsome intense ageless creature which seldom if ever smiles
. Haven't you noticed and she has not changed much ? Marie has not been as successful in her present role, as an example, as she was with her radium. But them again like her discovery of the energy stored in the atom is not being heralded enough. Her extraordinary message to the non-science public seems to be coming across like a lead balloon. Lead being near the final element in the uranium radium decay chain.
The single most important messages. She was not only a beacon of science. She was a beacon of caring behavior.
Marie whispering to the non-science world although that is right in front of our faces but like her fingers we do not see them or hear it. Her message maybe too close, to obvious, not interesting, exciting, nor a money maker enough to spend much time on it. For those trying to help Marie get her message across they must sense the lack of emotional appeal of the message much like Marie might have felt when she was confronted with a couple of tons of rock and dirt called pitchblende dumped into the yard of her shed. It was not clear that Marie sensed that this ton of dirt only had a tiny almost a speck of radium in it but as time pressed on Marie pressed on spending years to get at it.Step one in getting at Marie's secret message. " To be contributing a scientist one need to be close to insane with persistence not just brilliance " and this is generally true for most all science projects.
Another part of the - hidden not so hidden -message is the ho hum-ness of a typical experimental scientist day. To truly understand the scientist environment the observer needs to get inside the scientist's brain. But than what?. This invisible world of science is walled in by language barriers of infinite height and length hiding the real reason scientist seldom corrupt their data. if your not one of them If one has not experienced being a scientist how can one feel the ethical force that is as strong in a relative sense as the hidden forces in the atom Neither of which are visible to the non science world.Because we do not hear enough of Marie's message we lose much of the truly civilized value of our scientific discoveries and its because of the wall. Would it not be wonderful if we could climb over the wall and reclaim what is rightly ours. Another part of Marie's secret message "understanding the enormous emotional force stressing scientist into getting it right". This is only part of the hidden message. Obvious, not Obvious! So onward Marie keep telling more of your story A story that helps us understand the science we don't understand that we need to understand emotiomaly.
The authors will try in a very small way to help you experience what being an experimental scientist for a day is like. maybe when your are inside of the wall you will sense the ethical force for your self. At least you will see behind the scenes detail of scientist and film makers working together to give you a best view of dealing with a scientific topic.Last but not least in the near future we will be furnishing the reader with a little poetry; touching, surrealistic, quaint, tender maybe foolish love story about Marie never disclosed before.
781 245 2897 Jim & Rhoda Morris Main web site SciTechAntiques.comWe need our teachers of science help us better understand the diabolical aspects of Nature which is often reversed to our common sense understandings Examples Galileo 's lenses,.
teaching how our scientist get it rSight more than the obtuse complexities of math and principles of science
Making a movie in search of Marie's secret which seem to be a secret held by many scientist?
The Mystery of Matter
and a little spot of light
by Jim & Rhoda Morris
A national science foundation sponsored project.
Stephen E. Lyons Project Director The Mystery of Matter: Search for the Elements and Rhoda Morris one of the technical advisers on this project. working out some of the details of the replication of the apparatus Marie used to measure the radiation levels in her discovery of radium. A national science foundation sponsored project.
In the beginning God said Let there be light----Marie Curie took God up on this gift and dedicated her life to watching just a little spot of light.______________________________________________________________________
This web page cast a stronger light on Marie , than the spot from her instrument , hopefully showing how hard she and fellow scientist work to get their research results right. Readers can experience much of the tedium, frustration, elation, personal relation ship with their instruments and the highbrow discrimination in Scientific discovery that most scientist especially Marie experienced.
Figure 21/23/2013
Would you believe some people think that the typical work day for a scientist boarders on the "thrilling, exciting, and dramatic? Read on and think twice
TRY VERY VERY HARD to imagine yourself as a scientist (maybe Marie Curie) sitting in front of this dismal little spot of light for hours of tedious experimenting. ------ Your goal is to measure the radioactivity of a substances with a super delicate set of instruments making up the apparatus. One of the steps is to keep that nervous little light spot from moving off zero, "0" on the meter scale. With one hand in an awkward position you slowly lift a weight that controls the position of the spot of light while the thumb of your other hand is poised to click the top button of a stop watch to record the exact second you lose control of that damn little spot. Next you log the time, the date, the sample description, etc., in your journal. You repeat this process again and again, sample after sample, day after day, month after month, year after year.
Marie spent some 3 years making these measurements. Between these sessions she stirred pots of dangerous chemicals, filtered solutions, performed fractional crystallizations, purifying and purifying again and again, repeating the same processes thousands of times. Imagine yourself working nearly 24/7, fussing with mysterious radiation burns on your body, working in a leaky shed which was either too cold or too hot. You, Marie Curie, at times worked for no salary while you stared at this little roaming circle of light over and over again to measure the level of radioactivity for thousands of samples.
Last but not least you (Marie) never really knew whether any of this work would turn out to be of any value and whether it would result in you getting your degree.
Even today in many ways this word picture is not far off from a scientist’s typical experience. To be sure many scientists work in air conditioned offices instead of a shed but the grilling tedium is still there in copious amounts.
But luck, hard work and diligence paid off for Marie. All these sacrifices did accumulate into one of the most dramatic changes in our culture, our future. To this day the discovery of radium was one of the first steps toward releasing the immense power contained in the atom; it surely was one of the major stepping stones in getting to where we are at today.
So for those of us who were lead to believe that science was mostly Thrilling, Exciting, and Dramatic? hmmmmmmmmmmmmm? Yes, it can have its moments, but!
A hidden secret did you find it? Try again with more hints. Review what it took Marie to carryout a successful research project?.
Could understanding this comparatively small obvious point of repetitive dry hard work and high risk endeavor somehow help us to judge the worthiness of scientific work without knowing the science? With this critical use in mind lets summarize our short moment of being Marie's at her super sensitive radium radiation detector -->.
go back to her unequaled discovery... Marie in this tedious work discovered that her radium samples were always warmer than the surroundings would ordinarily let it be. Day after day year after year there was heat being generated by her radium. There was no chemical reaction that could sustain this continued release of heat--(energy)--which continued for years on end. Marie was the first to find and recognized this enormous amount of energy stored in the atom. In the years to come her radium was also used to measure the size of the nucleus, to do the first nuclear transmutation. All of this ultimately leading us to the nuclear world; reactions in atomic bombs, nuclear power plants, nuclear medicine, etc..
Lets see if we agree what is the not so hidden secret message in this description of a scientist at work.
Trusting scientist work? and how to discredit it.
Very very few scientist lie or misrepresent their work after having put so much effort to get funding and tedious hard work to do the science right. If a scientist did misrepresent their work they would soon be caught in the system of automatic checking that has to be done as the next scientist finds that using the guilty scientist data in their work does not work. The guilty one will be quickly flagged and publicly discredited, The guilty one will likely lose their funding and certainly their creditability . An occasion scientist my do something unethical. It can happen as in other professions but by comparison seldom in science and when found is a good test of the scientific system of auto checking for accuracy. This self regulation of the scientific profession should be taught and inspired again and again hopefully as enhanced permanent component of the science curriculum. The advertisement of knowledge of this auto regulation phenomena is valuable and could help to protect the public from the misuse of their science for uncivilized purposes using the scientist creditability arguments as a tool for generating a mistrust of a specific scientific project.Marie was truly both the mother and father planting and growing the seed that many scientist also took and grew into an enormous promise for a better life or maybe no life.
Sooooo on with the story of replicating and using Marie and Pierre laboratory equipment............
--Thrilling, exciting, and dramatic??? hmmmmmmmmmmmmm? This is challenge for the Director and crew of
The Mystery of Matter. A national science foundation sponsored project.
Marie and Pierre were not available for the shooting due to previous engagements. Replicas of Marie and Pierre Curie were substituted by very fine actors Marie Curie: Juliet Rylance and Pierre Curie: Sebastian Roche
Jim & Rhoda have replicated Marie and Pierre's experiment as accurately as possible . We are of the perception that Science is too valuable too everyone to be needlessly misrepresented (Click here ref( 1). The team working on this project understands this and have used working instruments and experimental techniques that Marie would have used. When the originals instrument were not available we made accurate replicas of them. If the chemicals used were unsafe to handle on the set we substituted safer chemicals but similar reactions etc.. The following part of this web site outlines our efforts toward this end.A remarkable coincidence below two husband and wife scientist teams meet with a time shift of a little over a century. But both are interested in Radium but for different reasons.
Marie & Pierre Curie and Rhoda & Jim Morris Their is a qute little story beginning to come to light here.
We took the liberty of adding the little white light to the scale she is looking at. figure 5
Marie and Pierre in their lab
figure 6Rhoda and Jim in a part of our lab showing the complete replication of Marie radioactive radiation detecting setup on the table. Note the wash bottle in Rhoda's hand. The photo on the left. shows Marie holding her wash bottle in of her classic wash bottle pose. Figure 7
The replication of the amount radium Marie extracted from her tons of pitchblende.
This tiny amount was the product of years of toil, frustration, and elation. Followed by her premature death from radiation poisoning.
The amount of radium chloride that Marie extracted from more than a ton of pitchblende over a period of some 3 years of work. figure 8Figure 9
Photo's below', Replication of the crystal separation process used by Marie in her isolation of radium from pitchblende. The photo on the right is of the same sample as on the left but under radiation of a ultra-violet lamp. Note how there are crystals that came out first' they are on outer rim. Its important to note that the separation is never entirely complete so the mixture has to be separated from the rest and re-crystallized again and again and again.--------Poor Marie.
figure 10
Rhoda on the film set of The Mystery of Matter replication some of the chemical separation processes
used by Marie separating radium from of pitchblende
The Curies very famous radiation detector.
Below a photo of Jim & Rhoda's replication of the Curies very famous radiation detector. It's a tabletop full of high tech parts from a number of different branches of scientific research. It is a story within a story of how science works in a day by day basis. but there is no time to tell the instrument saga here and now. So onward. This is the only picture showing the whole kit and computable that we know of so feast your eyes on this wonderful machine. Click the picture to get a bigger one to see all the detail.
Below we describe it piece by piece
Figure 14 this is the equipment on stage ready for shooting the scenes for Mystery of Matter. lick on the photo to get a better view- It's worth it.
Radioactive radiation detectors used by Marie Curie.
The amount of effort and time making one, and learning to operating one is substantial.
The discussion and detail in the discussion below hopefully gives the reader a view of how hard we all try to get it right as is possible.
First a bit of history. Radioactivity was first discovered during 1896 by the French scientist Henri Becquerel The first radiation detector was a piece of photographic film which grew darker with exposure to radioactive materials even though the film was in a light tight container. Soon after, It was discovered that a radioactive substance would ionize air around it allowing the air to conduct electricity. The greater the radioactivity the better the air conducted electricity. Experimenters turned this feature into a measuring tool to rank the strength of radioactivity in various samples.Pierre Curie
had been using a super sensitive instrument an electrometer figures 19,20,21 for measuring voltages using very small number of electrons, He had been using such a device and a piezoelectric voltage device in some earlier work and recommended it to Marie so that she might use a modification of it in her studies of radioactivity in minerals etc..Marie's instrument
was essentially a condenser used as an ionization chamber, see figure below,
(insulator));,Definition of a condenser (two electrical conductors separated by a dielectric.Marie's condenser consists of two metal disks separated by a layer of air . By adding electrons, Figure 19 to one plate of this condenser Fig. 20. it would developed a voltage difference across the two plates.
Putting a sample between the plates Exposing the air between the two plates to the radiation from a radioactive substance would caused electrons flow from one plate to the other plate. equalizing the portion of electrons between the plates thus dropping the voltage drop across them to zero
An enhanced photo with very high voltage across ionization chamber, with out a sample present, checking for electron leaks that might alter the performance of its operation. The white-age glow shows some leaks.
The time for this to happen would be a function of the magnitude of the radioactivity of the sampleSo Marie's. in its simplest form radiation detector turned out to be;
a condenser( a very special condenser), a source (a very special source) of electrons, a voltmeter ( a very special voltmeter figures 19,20,21 the one with the little moving spot of light) and a stop watch to measure the time of equalizing the electrons from one plate to the other.______________________________________________________
A more detailed description of Marie Curie’s Method for making the measurement the Radioactivity from Radium Samples
put together for the director producer of the Mystery of Matter showing the detail technical information considered to make the film as exact as possible. See circuit diagrams below the following discussion.(1/18/13, J & R M)
The process used by Marie Curie to measure the radioactivity of the radium samples she extracted from pitch blend can be explained as follows:
- It used the effect that radioactivity has on the conductivity of air in a sample chamber. .
- The sample chamber consisted of two plates separated by air called a condenser. The voltage across the plates was supplied by a voltage supplied by a piezo device.
- Because air is not conductive, no current flows from one plate to the other when the sample chamber is empty.
- When radium is placed on one of the chamber plates its radioactivity makes the air between the plates conductive and a current will flow. When the electrical connection is broken by a switch, the charge across the condenser will discharge and the speed at which the voltage across the two plates changes will be a measure of the radioactivity. So measuring the charge leakage and associated time is key.
- A fast change indicates high radioactivity and a slow change is due to low radioactivity.
Challenge of measuring small changes
The current changes Marie was measuring were ultra small, in the range of one thousandths of a billionth of an ampere, and very challenging to measure.
- She used a state of the art, very sensitive apparatus consisting of a quadrant electrometer in conjunction with a newly developed electrostatic charge generator (also called a piezoelectric instrument) developed earlier by Pierre Curie and his brother Jacques Curie for measuring very small current changes in insulators.
- This novel piezoelectric instrument could produce ultra small calibrated positive and negative charges by increasing or decreasing weights suspended from a specially configured quartz crystal.
Electrical circuit and measurement process
The sample chamber, the electrometer and the piezoelectric unit were connected as shown in the circuit diagram, figure 5 in reference1 in the cover letter.
- As mentioned above, with a radium sample in the condenser sample holder, a battery supplying voltage across it and the circuit switch closed, a small current flows through the condenser due to the conductivity of the air induced by the radioactivity of the sample.
- The charge across the condenser plates is measured by the light spot on the quadrant electrometer scale.
- By opening the circuit switch, the current through the circuit will stop and the electrometer reading will change as the charge across the plates depletes.
- This depletion rate is dependent on the level of conductivity produced by the radioactive sample, a low rate very difficult to measure precisely.
The piezoelectric instrument to the rescue
With the piezoelectric instrument in the circuit Marie was able to measure the charge depletion rate of the sample condenser by supplying an equivalent charge in a measurable time to compensate for the loss.
- When the circuit switch is opened and the electrometer light spot wants to change. She makes sure the electrometer is set at zero and the stop watch is clicked on.. In a controlled manner, She carefully, adjusts the weight on the piezoelectric device continually compensating for the condenser charge loss by keeping the electrometer spot at its original, zero position.
- This is required practice since any deviation of the electrometer light spot from the original zero introduced errors.
- With a stop watch running she simultaneously measured the in hand from when the electrometer spot at zero first tried to move to when it no longer was controllable by removing weight.
- The time measures when the same amount of electricity has passed through the condenser plates as was released by the piezoelectric quartz instrument. (This gives coulombs per unit time.)
- Finally using the equations relating the charges, times, currents and sample weights, she determined the radioactivity values for the radium samples tested by this method.
Below is a fair amount of detail in replicating the equipment that Marie Curie used in her early radium work for measuring the level of the radioactivity from samples of a wide variety of mineral etc..
The bottom line
There are four major components making up the radiation detector; a very precise piezoelectric source of electric charge to be placed across the plates of the ionization chamber, a quadrant electrometer measuring the status of this charge, a stop watch, not shown, for measuring the discharge time of the piezoelectric crystal.
As mentioned above the instrument called the piezoelectric electrometer, which they used to the measure the level of radioactiveness from various sources was simple in concept and management of its operation turned out to be a challenge to understand and describe for the viewer. Below are two photo showing an engagement of some of the experts debating how to carry out this task. They are surrounding an exact replica of the Curie instrument the authors of this website made used in thee the film while discussing the instrument, its operation and how to describe it and its operation for the viewers of the film. The fuel for the first session of the this high tech get together was cheese, crackers beer. later we retired to the a candle light dinning room filled with cabinets of rare scientific instruments followed by piesa wine desert coffee and tea.
Below is a set of three circuit diagrams of Curie's radiation measuring apparatus.
the first comes from a paper?????
figure13a Includes a sketch including the electrostatic shielding, and optical configurations
This figure 13b below shows a medium simplified circuit. by getting getting rid of the shielding and protection devices. It's still somewhat messy.
The figure13c below shows only the essential components for basic understanding the operation of the detector.
The confusion comes about in the role of the battery during the operation plus where the spot of light should be held on the scale at the start and during the time measurement.
After much discussion the final conclusion was that the role of the battery is to give a starting bias voltage to the ionization chamber, not to furnish the electricity during the time measurement. The pieso devise is the sole supplier of the electricity needed to keep the voltage constant across the ionization chamber during the measurement.
Any electricity coming from or to the battery during the measurement causes an error in the measurement. This error happens when the spot is allowed to go off zero.
The question of where to keep the spot of light is verified by Marie in an excerpt from one of her papers. Below is a copy of Marie Curie's view of synchronizing the motion of the light spot and stop watch to get most accurate readings for the level of radioactivity from a sample in the chamber. Here she shows a simplified version of the circuit similar to ours shown in figure13c and specifically states "it is better to balance the charge of the electrometer in a way to keep it at the zero reading" .
13-b and 13-c Marie's piezo electrometer. In one of her publications listed above she has included an even simpler diagram
and explanation of her preferred operation including maintaining the electrometer at zero during the test.
The photos below are showing the raw construction details we made of the piezoelectric driver for the radiation measurement.
The Quadrant electrometer
figure 21The Quadrant electrometer is a very special voltmeter developed by Lord Kelvin used by Marie this is the most sensitive and accurate of all the mechanical electrometers. The original uses a light aluminum sector suspended inside a drum cut into four segments. The segments are insulated and connected diagonally in pairs. The charged aluminum sector is attracted to one pair of segments and repelled from the other. The deflection is observed by a beam of light reflected from a small mirror attached to the sector,
In this part of the replication we remotely controlled by radio the location of light and its motion on the scale in front of Marie. This simulated the movement of the spot of light for the actor as if there was an actual sample of radioactive material in the ionization chamber. We chose to do this for the safety of the filming crew and actors thus illuminating the need of radioactive samples on the set.
The innards of the quadrant electrometer. The "d" sections have been opened to show the viewer the light aluminum vane of the unit just before mounting the 1 meter f. l. mirror on the servo shaft. Figure 22
Installing the radio control servo for manipulating the light spot on the screen in front of Marie Figure 23
Spectroscopy played such very important role as a scientific tool that
a spectrum of a proposed element was required by those keeping track of what was and what was not an element had to be taken before this committee would validate its existence.
The Apparatus we replicated for these scenes of Marie's chemical spectroscopy of Radium are below.
The founding members experimentalist , theoretician of the nuclear scientist club. Each a competitor and colleague.
Marie bottom row 2nd from the right surrounded with the giants of physics that set fire to our culture in the most critical yet obtuse way.1911-Solvay Conference on the theory of radiation and quanta:”
English: Photograph of participants of the first Solvay Conference, in 1911, Brussels, Belgium. Seated (L-R): Walther Nernst, Marcel Brillouin, Ernest Solvay, Hendrik Lorentz, Emil Warburg, Jean Baptiste Perrin, Wilhelm Wien, Marie Curie, and Henri Poincaré.Standing (L-R): Robert Goldschmidt, Max Planck, Heinrich Rubens, Arnold Sommerfeld, Frederick Lindemann, Maurice de Broglie, Martin Knudsen, Friedrich Hasenöhrl, Georges Hostelet, Edouard Herzen, James Hopwood Jeans, Ernest Rutherford, Heike Kamerlingh Onnes, Albert Einstein, and Paul Langevin.
.Marie looks very down why?
Question Did Madam Curie shown above (in one of her more reflective moments) act as a scientist
pushing back the frontiers of science or act as an engineer working on what would be called an Atomic Bomb?
The nominal spherical mass is crudely the size of the critical mass for an 235U nuclear weapon . It.should be 56 kg,[3] a sphere 17.32 cm (6.8") in diameter?
Einstein in the famous photo below shows great frustration with who ever he is looking at. Why? What is he trying to tell us with all of his soul?
In the beginning of his career he was young handsome man, note him standing behind Marie in the photo above. A young scientist at the height of his important discoveries. He certainly looks older in picture below. To some much older than his age. To many it's fun to poke fun at a scientist. But here he is not poking fun at the viewer.
What do you think this gentleman's opinion of us is?Question looking at the selected photos of these these two world famous scientist could they be disappointed with what we have done with their contribution thus far? Really! Could they?
MADAME CURIE by Larry Keegan no lovely lady
should hold this power
in her hand
she felt the very fire
of the universe in her fingertips
a warm tremor that
could not be explained
how the world was structured
we did not know
a lovely lady
should not tell us
of the nucleus
of all things
she had not heard of Hiroshima
or Chernobyl
or a beam that radiates
and cured my cancer
lady scientist
in the chambers of time
you will select for us
those substances
contain this secret
source of fireoh Marie
oh Marie
unstable nucleus in your hand
You study the electrostatic
see which
substances contain
the unidentified stream
tell us lady scientist
in science's merky past
which elements radiate
no lovely lady should hold
this power
please tell us, lady
which elements
as you walk towards us
hands folded cup-like
in an offertory
almost a liturgy
bring us the power
cascading from
the alchemy of stars
WORK IN PROGRESSThis has to be one of the most well known photos of a scientist who was all ready well known. with hunders maybe thousands of photos take of him and avaiable to the public before this likeness showed up so what is he saying after livimng so many years having done so much through science tha effected each and everyone of us. what is this last message that is reaching out to each and everyone that can all cultures both sexes all ages..seen whT IAS HUIS LAST WORD TO US
Question what is he telling the viewer . As I 've studied it over and over again. Their is one messaage he maybe be convaying to the viewer is that he is telling the view in body language what he thinks of you personally Dr.Einstie
On the side The authors of this web page in real life The Curies had their bicycles we have our antique off shore cursing sloop
Jim & Rhoda doing the bottom paint on their sailboat.
Rhoda the skipper of Josh with a rain storm in the offing.
Yes you control it with your left hand but ever so slightly. The least twitch and the spot light will zip off your chosen location. The dot of light is being controlled by you co-supporting a weight anywhere from 50 to 500 grams which is sitting on a tray that is hanging from a piezoelectric crystal. this weight is distorting a crystal of pure quartz which At the same time your will be using your left hand to control a stop watch. This process goes on until the fussy little spot decides it is not going to be controlled by you any longer but starts to runs off the screen signaling you to stop your stop watch. that next step is to enter the time of control into your log book and include the particulars of the sample etc. You don't do this just once but thousands of time over a 3 to 5 years period. Added to thrilling job is a personal sacrifice of no small magnitude. Marie died prematurely because of here work with radioactive chemicals.
ref(1)This takes experience experimenters with the resource to acquire or build the and run the equipment. It takes thoughtful direction of the project management. Jim & Rhoda Morris 781 245 2897
1. basic research business is to discover ground work the seed the business to continue to solve most of these problems. but business cant afford to have their present product obsoleted bby a new scientific discovers unless they own. it that could force them out of business.
(Science Points 16 + or - a few
It has been recognized
“The world is very different now. For man holds in his mortal hands the power to abolish all forms of human poverty and all forms of human life.”Scientists, with their instruments, their mathematical language plant the seeds that grows and makes it so.
Who are these scientist, these people that makes it so? What are they like? Are they different than the average person? What are their ethics, politics, religious, sexual, educational, backgrounds? Where do they live? Where do they work? How much do they earn? Who finances, owns, and controls the potential of their work? Who speaks for them directly to the public about their work, about their lives, the kind of person they are.Do we care? no and yes!
What is your opinion your source of information? can you trust your fellow scientist? How many of us know and have closely worked day after day with them, know in detail how their equipment works and used some of it, have done they're mathematical calculations, prepared and defended their publications in refereed journals and one on one?
What are they like? What is it like to be a physical scientist
In the beginning science was literally in a stone age evolution. Starting with Galileo some 400 years ago science and how it was done changed dramatically. It changed into factual testable repeatable measurements reported and debated in the clear precise language of mathematics. However nothing is perfect. Scientist are the first to recognize this and are always on guard and improving itself.
1. Science can truly be a tough, lonely, tense, dull, tedious, exacting, and an exhilarating job.
2. At best, everything will be stacked against you,
2.1. A very long apprenticeship,
2.2. Unbelievably fierce competitive pressure to get the correct answer in school and after one gets a degree. Your job security depends upon it.
2.3. Poor by comparison funding for basic research
2.4. Comparatively low salaries
2.5. On the average a short creative professional life. It's a young person's game
3. To most Science would be mostly a tedious demanding job with a twenty four / seven work schedule
3.1. Few people have ever had, nor will ever experience the intense training in far out things that only scientists need to learn.
3.2 They need to exercise extreme caution in relying on common sense as a serious scientific tool.
3.2. It’s an absolute requirement that scientists never stop learning throughout their professional career. Science is always growing -- you have to keep up if you're going to be a participant.
3.3. There are no text books covering the most recent advances in science.
It’s almost a full time job, constantly scouring the literature in your field to keep abreast of the advances in theory and experiments published by your competitors and colleagues.
3.4. A scientist has to keep track of the new methods of gathering and analyzing data and comparing these with new theories and the most recent data from your competitors.
3.5. You have to constantly look out for, or create and calibrate new instrumentation for measurements in your field.
3.6 On your own you have to develop and maintain business skills and estimate the cost and length of time to carry out the work you are proposing to do in applying for funding from a sponsor.
3.7. Scientists must constantly keep track of and stay on top of their financial budget. If at times money is running a bit shy one is expected to keep running the project on their own time thus reducing their effective salary..
4. The average productive professional life of a scientist may last 20 years, 30 if you also go into teaching, consulting, etc.
4.1. Every year there is a brand new batch of young scientists joining the field that will eat you alive (push you aside?) when they catch you.
4.2. (Omit?)If and when (in the end they always do) catch up with you they will take your job away from you.
4.3. These days the sciences are changing very fast; at times the “required experience" is what you learned an hour ago.
5. Science for the most part is a lonely world.
5.1. In the past theories about how nature worked were derived though pure philosophical arguments, using common sense. Actual measurements were few and far between and the common man could readily participate in these discussions.
5.2. This approach seldom gave the most accurate descriptions for the laws of nature,
5.3. In the 1600’s scientists grew more and more impatient and frustrated with the lack of precision in using languages that is referred to in the story of the tower of Babel in the Old Testament.
5.4. . About this same time philosophy used by the common man was dropped as a popular tool by modern scientists and replaced with observations, measurements and mathematical calculations.
5.5. Today scientists from all cultures, all languages speak to each other using the universal language of mathematics in describing their measurements.
5.6. The consequence of this change was an almost complete isolation of the scientist from (omit? the rest of world,) the non mathematical world, the world of the everyday person who is a beneficiary of (omit? benefits from) many scientific discoveries.
6. Scientists can find themselves in jeopardy, bodily and financially, by simply reporting their work to the public , Of course it depends on the topic of research and who it might affect
6.1. Because the language of mathematics is spoken by few in the everyday world the communication from scientists has defaulted to third party translators.
6.3. Third party translators can sensationalize a discovery for their personal or monetary gain in selling their translations.
6.4. In the worst case scenario a translator can be hired to intentionally spin good and accurate scientific work valuable to the community as a whole into (omit unbelievable) distorted results using flawed but appealing common sense arguments.
6.5. This is enormously frustrating to the scientists involved in very important and complicated work for the public good.
6.6. There are many well-known incidents where this spinning has been effectively used in protecting beliefs and preventing damage to threatened business profits from unsafe products and processes.
6.7. The use of these spinning techniques to discredit a particular field in science often spills over to implicate the reputation of the scientific community overall and further isolates scientists from the reinforcement needed for funding and acceptance.
6.8. It also isolates the common man from the benefits of scientific discoveries.
7. Scientists make their measurements using complex scientific instruments that few people have ever seen, heard of, or would know how to use.
7.1. The instruments scientists and engineers invent or create enhance all their senses so that they can see, hear, smell and feel things that the ordinary person cannot see hear, smell and feel using their unaided senses. Some of these instruments may cost more than the total yearly salaries of a small-town. ?? omit
7.2. This further isolates scientists and their work since the communication about these instruments to the public is so difficult.
8. A scientist does not generally own his or her own work.
8.1. It is owned by the sponsors who pay for the work and who decide how to use it. (omit?? can use it any way they want.)
8.2. They may keep it private if it suits their purpose.
8.3.They may use it for destructive or beneficial purposes - make bigger better nuclear bombs or use as diagnostics or new cures for cancer,
8.6. More often than not the sponsors make huge profits compared with the scientist’s salaries.
8.7. More often than not scientists’ salaries are considered to be overhead and are often slated the first expendable cost when finances are not good.
9. Scientists can only publish their work with the permission of their sponsors.
9.1. A scientist’s paper, the document that describes their work, must meet strict requirements to be published in a scientific journal.
9.2. Papers must include all the information that will allow others to reproduce the work exactly.
9.3. The scientist must include references to the recent works that preceded theirs.
9.4. As much as some scientists would like to assume, no scientist stands alone in their discoveries. Omit? They are the best co-fathers. The authors of your listed references may be only a few steps away from being called coauthors because their work made it possible for you to do your work and your work will be used by others to do their work. It is a step-by-step process.
9.5. If others can't repeat the experiment of the submitted work or get at it in an alternative way the author’s work and reputation will suffer.
10. Scientific papers are refereed by experts in the field before journals will accept them for publication. After they are published all of the scientists in that field of research will pass judgment upon the work. It can be a nerve-racking experience because occasionally mistakes can creep into people's work.
10.1. It is possible that a referee might be someone who had bid on the contract you won in the bidding contest for the work.
10.2. If this is the case the referee might be eager to find problems or mistakes to gain an edge in the funding process. (Omit?? nitpick looking for you to make a mistake to take the contract from you.)
10.3. If or when if it is published it will be in a form and place where it cannot be altered or deleted. Your reputation, your future, is based on your publications.
10.4. Your work, your measurements, your calculations must be expressed in the dimensions of time, length, and mass.
10.5. You must constantly monitor your colleagues and your support staff, technicians and assistants around you who gather and process your data to see to it that their work for the project is done carefully and precisely. There is little opportunity to have very close friendships in this business. Their poor or biased treatment of your data might be your downfall.
10.6. Once published your results and experimental procedure will be checked and rechecked for quality and errors by scientists who will be using your work in their work. (omit?? and who at times may seem smarter than you are. So they'll get you if you're wrong and make it very public.
11. If you do make a mistake your error is made public, very much jeopardizing your reputation.
11.1. You will also be an embarrassment to your sponsor
11.2. Most likely you will lose some of your current funding and your
future funding will be at risk .
11.3. You will deserve all of this having wasted other scientists’ valuable time and money if they used your faulty work.
11.4. These are the conditions scientists automatically learn from the start of their career.
11.5. Occasionally a scientist may not follow these rules of ethics and tamper with the data. Because of the interconnections and replication processes in science these individuals will be caught and severely dealt with. This is so rare it generally makes big-time news in the media. The scientists themselves are generally on the scene actively pursuing remedies to fix such problems to keep them at an absolute minimum.
12. At worst scientists are considered by many to be egocentric and too foggy headed to do simple everyday tasks.
12.1. A few, strangely, would put scientists as protégés or as enemies to God.
12.2. Few would thank scientists, even if they deserved it simply because the public, more than likely, will not have understood specifically what the scientists did, how they did it, or why they did it,
12.3. Nor will they know its true value in the big picture because
nobody knows, perhaps not even the scientist themselves know
how valuable their contribution has been or will be.
13. The weirdest thing about scientists though is they will fight like hell to get and keep their jobs scientists.
13.1. Most scientists do this because in the end they know that each piece of knowledge they find, develop and publish, no matter how small and insignificant, it may seem still adds permanently to the ultimate knowledge base we so desperately depend on to move ahead to a better ??but perhaps a more dangerous world.
14. So the bottom line for anyone looking forward to a meaningful career
that adds to everyone’s future,
14.2. if you’re young enough at heart,
14.3. adaptable enough
14.4. innovative and
14.5. don't mind occasionally feeling like a masochist,
15. Join the scientific community.
15.1 You will truly do something very special and valuable
that few will ever have the opportunity to do.
15.2.You will have the opportunity to leave your mark on the world that
will last for many generations
15.3. You will give back a little something toward what the world has passed on to you.
15.4 few out of the billons of people are equipped or want to tosccessfuly at science
Notes, scrapes of information--- p.p.sKennedy’s words are already in the beginning:
John Kennedy's inaugural speech recognizes the power of science and says it all in 28 simple words.
“The world is very different now. For man holds in his mortal hands the power to abolish all forms of human poverty and all forms of human life.”
From the pleasures of finding thing out R Feynman cir 1999 ?? isbn 0-465-02395-9
This phenomenon of having a memory for the race, of having an accumulated knowledge passable from one generation to another, was new in the world. But it had a disease in it. It was possible to pass on mistaken ideas. It was possible to pass on ideas which were not profitable for the race. The race has ideas, but they are not necessarily profitable.
I would like to remind you all of things that you know very well in order to give you a little enthusiasm. In religion, the moral lessons are taught, but they are not just taught once- you are inspired again and again, and I think it is necessary to inspire again and again, and to remember the value of science for children, for grown-ups, and everybody else,
Scientists are truly international. They know no political boundaries just as nature knows no political boundaries. Nature knows no ??any religious boundaries
*2 from the beginning it virtually appears that there is no practical way of bridging the gap in conversation between a scientist’s work and the public who will be deeply affected by it
*3 most scientists and science editors are generally too close to the tree, the scientists, to see the forest, the overall view of how it works, that the public lives in and is affected by.
Jim & Rhoda Morris
Getting the most important part of the insider part of "Scientific" Science so your life is not messed up by a miss use of it by you know who.
p.s. By comparison what little there is in funding of this basic "Scientific" science research work comes from our government. Business can't afford much moneys for it, if any for it, for obvious reasons. They take where ever something discovered, where ever it is available and run with it. Seldom do we find the researching scientist compared with the business leaders, stock holder, and combined employees salaries match there the research scientist puny rewards.
There are thousands of things we vitally need to gives us this much better life that we are always is promised that could be done. To get this improvement it.
There is a big difference between discovering and inventing the greatest things about nature things we need to know for this better life. A single but across the board thing would might be be a
pill etc to make us smarter.
All photos and written material are by Jim & Rhoda Morris unless noted otherwise. Free personal and educational use and reproduction is encouraged--- Acknowledgment is appreciated; all commercial rights are reserved
Notice we are not spokesmen for the Mystery of Matter project funded by the NSF. The views expressed by the authors are our own private point of views. We just helped out by furnishing instruments and technical advice.
MADAME CURIE by Larry Keegan no lovely lady
should hold this power
in her hand
she felt the very fire
of the universe in her fingertips
a warm tremor that
could not be explained
how the world was structured
we did not know
a lovely lady
should not tell us
of the nucleus
of all things
she had not heard of Hiroshima
or Chernobyl
or a beam that radiates
and cured my cancer
lady scientist
in the chambers of time
you will select for us
those substances
contain this secret
source of fireoh Marie
oh Marie
unstable nucleus in your hand
You study the electrostatic
see which
substances contain
the unidentified stream
tell us lady scientist
in science's merky past
which elements radiate
no lovely lady should hold
this power
please tell us, lady
which elements
as you walk towards us
hands folded cup-like
in an offertory
almost a liturgy
bring us the power
cascading from
the alchemy of stars
(p²n-dôr"…, -d½r"…) n. Greek Mythology. The first woman, bestowed upon humankind as a punishment for Prometheus's theft of fire. Entrusted with a box containing all the ills that could plague people, she opened it out of curiosity and thereby released all the evils ofPan·do·ra's box
(p²n-dôr"…z, -d½r"-) n. A source of many unforeseen troubles: "Reform is a Pandora's box; opening up the system can lead to a loss of economic and political control" (Russell Watson).I am using Galileo's method of conversation. is he can do it I should be allowed to also.
we are using a pipe line used only in the scientific world